# internationalization


Version 1.4.0 began to support internationalization

# Introduction

v-md-editor uses Chinese as the language by default. If you need to use other languages, you can refer to the following scheme.

# Switch languages

You can switch the currently used language through the use method.

import enUS from '@kangc/v-md-editor/lib/lang/en-US';

VueMarkdownEditor.lang.use('en-US', enUS);

# Modify default configs

The copy method can be used to modify and expand the copy.

  'zh-CN': {
    h1: {
      toolbar: 'title 1',

# Config files

Language Filename
Chinese zh-CN
Traditional Chinese (TW) zh-TW
English en-US
German de-DE
Korean ko-KR
Spanish es-ES
Polish pl-PL
French fr-FR
Russian ru-RU

View all language configs Here (opens new window).